About us

Stockholm Region EU Office serves as a representation office in Brussels for Stockholm Region, one of Europe´s most attractive metropolitan regions. We bring together local and regional authorities in the region and represent one of the most competitive, innovative, sustainable and fastest growing metropolitan regions in Europe. With a population of over 3.6 million people, we represent approximately 36 percent of the entire population in Sweden.

Stockholm Region EU Office has four full-time employees who support local and regional governments in Stockholm Region by monitoring the legislative and regulatory activities in the European Union, providing information and recommendations, state our joint positions and recommendations towards EU policy makers and communicating with the EU institutions.


Stockholm Region EU Office is a joint office for local and regional authorities in Stockholm Region. The office is a company owned by the non-profit organisation Stockholm Region Association for European Affairs. Founding members in the Association are the City of Stockholm, Region Stockholm, Storsthlm, together with other members; Region Gotland, Region Sörmland, Region Uppsala, Region Västmanland and the Council for Stockholm-Mälaren Region (Mälardalsrådet).

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors for Stockholm Region EU Office consists of three top management directors from the founding members of the Stockholm Region Association for European Affairs.

Johan von Sydow, Storsthlm, Chairman
Fredrik Jurdell, City of Stockholm
Emma Lennartsson, Region Stockholm
Kristina Tidestav, Solna Municipality (substitute)

Board of Stockholm Region Association for European Affairs

The board of the Stockholm Region Association for European Affairs gather politicians from the members of the association and are responsible for the strategic direction and policy areas to be prioritised.

Founding members
City of Stockholm
Karin Wanngård (S)
Olle Burell (S)
Christofer Fjellner (M)

Region Stockholm
Joe Frans (S)
Märta Martin-Åkesson (C)
Pehr Granfalk (M)

Mats Gerdau (M)
Stefan Bergström (C)
Peter Schilling (S)

Other members
Jens Sjöström (S), Mälardalsrådet (The Council for the Stockholm Mälar Region)
Filip Reinhag (S), Region Gotland
Lars Lundqvist (KD), Sörmland Regional Council
Unn Harsem (C), Region Uppsala
Elin Grankvist (KD), Region Västmanland

Adjunct members from the European Committee of the Regions
Jelena Drenjanin (M), Huddinge Municipality
Marta Aguirre (S), Sigtuna Municipality
Carin Lidman (S), Västerås city
Kristoffer Tamsons (M), Region Stockholm
Pehr Granfalk (M), Solna city
Filip Reinhag (S), Region Gotland
Jens Sjöström (S), Mälardalsrådet (The Council for the Stockholm Mälar Region)

(C = The Centre Party, KD = The Christian Democratic Party, M = The Moderate Party, S = The Social Democratic Party, V = The Left Party)


DOCUMENTS (only in Swedish):

Stadgar antagna 2011.




The Stockholm Region Office

Stockholm Region EU Office serves as a representation office for Stockholm Region in Brussels with four full-time employees.

We represent one of the most competitive, innovative, sustainable and fastest growing metropolitan regions in Europe with a population of over 3.6 million people, representing approximately 36 percent of the entire population of Sweden.

We monitor the legislative and regulatory activities in the European Union, and enable and state our joint positions and recommendations towards EU policy makers.