

European Week of Regions and Cities workshop I 10 October

Are you interested to know more about how cities and regions navigate smart and sustainable growth? Join us – the Capital Cities and Regions Network (CCRN) – during the European Week of Regions and Cities 2024 on Thursday 10th of October!


EU Green Week seminar by the Nordic capital regions

On the 30th of May, as part of the 2024 EU Green Week – Towards a water resilient Europe, the Nordic capital regions of Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, and Stockholm hosted a partner event on urban sustainable water solutions. The purpose of the event was to discuss how to tackle key challenges in sustainable water management through regional perspectives and best practices.


Stockholm EU Session om TEN-T och urbana noder

Stockholmsregionens Europakontor anordnade den 15 april en Stockholm EU Session om den reviderade TEN-T förordningen och urbana noder med Europaparlamentarikern Jakop Dalunde. Sessionen är en del av en serie webbinarier om aktuella frågor på EU-agendan med särskild koppling till Stockholmsregionen.


Breakfast seminar on the New European Bauhaus

As a proud partner to the New European Bauhaus Festival, Stockholm Region EU Office, in collaboration with Stockholm Green Innovation District, hosted a breakfast seminar on the 9th of April to discuss how to shape sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive city districts with innovative and climate neutral solutions by and for citizens. The seminar aimed to present experiences best practices, and discuss challenges by different projects within Stockholm Green Innovation District (SGID).

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