Stockholm: A woman´s place #internationalwomansday

Other | 08-03-2019

According to the Economist, Sweden is the best country in the world for working women. A Woman's Place is an initiative by Invest Stockholm to support equal opportunities for women and men and more than 100 of Stockholm's best-known businesses have already joined the initiative.

A Woman’s Place is an initiative by Invest Stockholm to support equal opportunities for women and men. The initiative is based on the five principles of A Woman’s Place, contributing to a society where everyone is safe from gender discrimination and free to flourish. The website serves as a toolbox for companies that want to find inspiration and practical assistance in their gender equality work. Learn about the principles, read articles, listen to the podcast and find gender equality experts at

“Equality in Sweden isn’t perfect, but it might be the best that we have in the world”

Why should it be harder for half of the population to fulfil their potential? Why should the ambitions and ideas of female staff be stifled? Why does one gender continue to dominate the resources of the labour market?

That doesn’t make sense to us in Stockholm. Of course, we’re not perfect. We are still working to close the pay gap between men and women, for example, and we don’t have yet enough female board members. But with positive attitudes towards equality, strong gender discrimination laws and modern industries full of forward-thinking companies, we believe there’s no better place for talented women to thrive.

(This text is copied from A woman´s place website and press release about Stockholm launches podcast to help businesses fight gender discrimination.)