The future EU budget and the Next Generation EU brings together 1.824 bln EUR for the period 2021 – 2027. 30% will be used on the road to reach EU carbon neutrality by 2050. This workshop aims to discuss the role of capital cities and regions in the green transition.
WHEN? Tuesday 20, October 2020 at 14h30 – 16h00
The future EU budget and the Next Generation EU brings together 1.824 bln EUR for the period 2021 – 2027. 30% of this sum will be used on the road to reach EU carbon neutrality by 2050. Building on this climate commitment, the workshop aims to discuss the role of capital cities and regions in the green transition. Capital cities and regions face specific challenges related to implementation and financing policy measures but at the same time have many opportunities to introduce effective climate policy.
These ambitious environmental goals can be achieved primarily through investments into cleaner forms of transport, into renovation of buildings, in investments into environmentally friendly technologies. Complex, long-term strategies must be carried to achieve comprehensive and sustainable results. Financing such strategies and projects will be challenging in times of the economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 crises. As ESI funds may be one source of financing, the workshop will also elaborate on ITI, CLD and other territorial instruments.The workshop will be divided into two blocks in which we concentrate firstly on setting sound, long term strategies, financing ambitious climate initiatives and implementing environmental policies. In the second bloc, concrete projects from leading European cities will be presented. Each of the block will be followed by a Q&A session allowing the audience to join the discussion.
Jens Müller, Air Quality Manager, Transport and Environment, Belgium.
English (EN)
Green Europe
Link to event on European Week of Regions and Cities website.