The Stockholm Region is one of the most competitive and fastest growing metropolitan regions in Europe. The region also ranks at the top of the European regions in terms of sustainable development. Stockholm manages to grow its GDP and at the same time decrease emissions thus intends to become the leading sustainable growth region in Europe. Additionally, the Stockholm Region has been represented in Brussels for more than two decades and has made constructive contributions to make the EU a competitive and sustainable actor with considerable global standing. The Stockholm Region is a pioneer of clean and green and aims to become a resource-efficient and sustainable region free from climate and environmental impact from emissions by phasing out fossil fuels in favour of renewable energy sources.
As a strong and credible voice within the EU energy, environment and climate debate the Stockholm Region considers it important for EU to have ambitious targets that can benefit efforts to create a sustainable society. But at the same time, also respect the various conditions in the different regions of the Union.
The Stockholm Region EU Office is continuously working for
– Ambitious targets within energy, climate, environment and transport legislation
– EU legislation and policies to take into account local and regional conditions, thus enabling the Stockholm Region to become a leading European resource efficient and sustainable region with continued possibility to thrive within clean and green innovation and technology.